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"It's a whole new world. I learned more in half a day than I did in the last 10 years" Dianne, Brisbane

"Nigel explains it so well. I never thought that you had so much control over the photos. This has opened up a whole new world, will be back for another session" Kylie, Noosa Heads

'I have never had it explained to me like that. After the first hour I finally got it. Can't wait to get out and shoot" Ian, Sydney

'I finally get it. Nigel opened up a whole new world of understanding for me. He's a great teacher, highly recommended" Narelle,Yaroomba

"Nigel has a great way of explaining the shooting process, and the set up guides are great" Deborah, Noosa

"Had a great day, this session is so worth it, Nigel has given me an incredible insight into shooting." Emma, Brisbane


Over the years of being a photographer i found myself explaing the way a camera works in simple terms. Over time I explained the process to my friends and interested customers.  Eventually I developed my own way of explaining the exposure process.  Our oldest tuition client was in their 60's and the youngest 13. A camera is a complicated device but the exposure process is the same as it has always been.  

We can help you take control and drive the camera the way is was meant to be driven. We can help you unlock the potential of these amazing pieces of technology and fast-track your photographic understanding. We can save you years of confusion and frustration. Half a day is all it takes, you will never look back.

We can show you the camera setup techniques that makes taking great photos simple. Photography is such a rewarding medium to work in, we have amazing technology that makes taking great photos possible for just about everyone. However modern cameras can be very technical and to use them properly we need to understand the camera and know how it works. Film or digital, scanning or printing, Photoshop, data storage and camera fundamentals. We guarantee you will understand your camera and vastly improve your photography.

Buying advise: Avoid the retail slug. If you are buying a camera please come and see us first we can save you money and help you make an informed decision.



Casual 1 on 1: Private Tuition: 2 & 4 hour private tuition on the photography topic of your choice. We basically work out where you are up to in your understanding then go from there. $120 & $220

Casual Group Tuition: 3.5 hour private tuition for groups of 2 or 3. $145 each for 2, $125 each for 3 person

Photo Tuition

CAMERA BUYING ADVICE: This is a very important process in your photographic journey. There are a huge range of cameras available and models are changing constantly. We are up to date with all the latest models and unlike a sales assistant at a camera shop we are not in the business of selling cameras so we can offer un-biased advise and help you make the right decision.

Simply purchase a voucher for a casual session and that entitles you to a half hour consultation for advise regarding your camera purchase. We can also show you how to save you up to 30% when purchasing your camera and accessories which in the end can save you hundreds of dollars and easily make up the cost of your tuition.

To purchase a voucher call use the paypal link above. or you can call and pay using your credit card.


In the courses we cover set topics thoroughly, including field trips and practical sessions covering all the important set up guides. We also include all our field guides and worksheet notes.

4 Week Course: Total of 14 hours of Private Tuition over 4 weeks. BONUS: we include a 500x300mm canvas print with your image ready to hang on the wall.$880

6 Week Course: Total of 21 hours of Private Tuition over 6 weeks. BONUS: We include a 600x450mm canvas print with your image ready to hang on the wall. $1320

WHEN: Weekdays: 8.30 to 12.00 noon or 12.30 to 4pm. Weekends: Saturday 12.30 to 4pm

WHERE: Your hotel or appartment, your house, a local park or our home office in coolum.

TOPIC OUTLINE: Photography Fundamentals - Learning how the camera works and the relationship between, aperture, shutter speed and ISO and the way it affects movement and depth of field and the quality of your images. Understanding your camera. Going through your own camera and understanding all the functions and setups for your field of photography. Camera Setups. Knowing how to set the camera up for all situations, sport, low light landscape, good light landscape, portraits etc. In the field - We have a three hour field session going through all the setups for various lighting and times of day. Improving your technique - How to improve in your own field, Landscape, Portraits, Weddings etc. Photoshop. Editing photos, the do's and dont's, pre print set ups, editing and usable effects.

If you have ay questions regarding our photography tuition services please do not hesitate to call us, Regards Nige.